Later we drove out west of Charleston to the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. This is one of the few plantations that have been in the same family hands for many centuries. The Drayton family has owned it since the 1600's. The original planation consisted of 2000 acres. During the Civil War it was occupied by both Confederate and Union troops. At the end of the war there were many renegade union troops running loose, buring all the plantation houses they came across. This was the fate of the house on this plantation. After the war the resident Drayton found himself destitute and had to sell off 1500 acres of the land. The gardens, which had been world famous before the war, had survived and to raise funds the owner opened it up to tourist, which they have now been doing every since. The current house was built over the foundation of the original house after the Civil War. Touring the gardens took well over an hour. There were some plants blooming but it would be a much better tour to come in the spring or summer. There are several areas on the grounds to tour including a petting zoo with many animals to see up close and personal.
Books Read in December 2024
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