day was our middle grand daughters third birthday. Her mother had her party today and there was in attendance eight or nine little girls, all three and under. Fortunately for us "old" folks they all got along fine and a good time was had by all. Aurora is very into the Disney Princesses so that was the theme of her party. All the little girls were provided with Princess hats and gloves.
This was one of only two times we have had the previledge of
having all three of our grand daughters in the same place at the same time. Pictured here are Aurora, age 3; Cadence, age 2; and Emma, age 3 1/2. Without trying to be a bragging grandpa I must say these are three of the most fantastic little girls we could have ask for.
What fun! They grow up so fast! I can just picture you now with your Disney Princess hat and gloves too! :-) Why don't we get to see a picture of that?
Yes, they are cuties... Shelley
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